I’m not even sure what title is suitable for this post. I just finished watching the movie entitled “October Baby” on Pure Flix. Merciful God, how well written, how well written. My heart aches for all those directly affected by the abortion insanity, the lies, the shame, the heartache, the fallout which will rear its ugly head one day, some day.
I recall being about eleven years old, a naive and well protected from the world little girl. My family was visiting the state fair and we came upon a booth which I will never forget. Looking back it must have been about the summer of 1972. Roe vs Wade was not something I even had a clue was being fought in the Supreme Court of the United States. Thankfully I was an innocent little girl. I remember the brochure, the little feet, and the image of an unborn child. I knew something was not right and I knew I could never be a part of something so heinous. Looking back I am so thankful these were my formative and very impressionable years, my silent decision was set in my heart that summer afternoon.
However,…while I am thankful to have never, ever even considered abortion, I did bear the guilt of driving a college friend to an abortion clinic. Oblivious to what was occurring just within those closed doors of the clinic, I sat in the waiting room, college textbooks in hand. It would be years before I realized just what I had not prevented my friend from going through with. It would be years of self-condemnation for my naive yet free-thinking college girl attitude.
“October Baby” is that someday. “October Baby” has no graphic clips of the horrors of the murders of innocent children. It has no need. “October Baby” takes a gentle peak into the emotional ripple effect of such a decision. It also presents closure, closure first found in pealing away the layers of truth thought to be securely locked away to protect, but alas only destroys. “October Baby” offers up the ultimate closure necessary, only found through forgiveness.
“October Baby” is not about blowing up abortion clinics, condemning those involved. “October Baby” is about the truth, the truth which offers freedom, the freedom which begins with forgiveness. It is more than a “must see” movie experience. “October Baby” is understanding and healing, reevaluating, re-calibrating, starting anew. “October Baby” is a matter of the heart.
“Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive and ye shall be forgiven” Luke 6:37 (KJV).

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