I recall being in elementary school and one of our textbooks covering the concept of the theory of the evolution of man. Surely you too, have seen as I vaguely recall, the sketches of an ape as he gradually morphs into a human being. Whether I shook my head and chuckled out loud I can’t say for sure. What I do recall is how my instant and dismissive thought was just how ridiculous this sounded to me, even as a child. Yes, I grew up in a Christian home. Yes, I believed and still believe in creationism as taught in Genesis, the first book of the Bible.
“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
~~~Genesis 1:27 (ESV)~~~
A Matter of Faith is a well written movie, which entertains just this concept at the university level as a professor who teaches evolution is challenged by the father of one of his freshmen students. A debate is held for the purpose of creating dialogue, thus opening minds. During the debate the father hands his microphone over to a long ago fired professor who adamantly taught creationism only. “To me the most troubling aspect about this issue is that in our society today evolution is being taught in our schools and universities across this land as a matter of fact. But no one can scientifically prove evolution just as no one can scientifically prove that God created the world since none of us were present to witness it. Both these teachings then become a matter of faith. The evolutionist has nothing but vast periods of time, random chance events and the ever-changing ideas of man to base his world view upon, while the one who holds to creation has his beliefs firmly rooted in the truths contained in the Bible and a personal God who created everything….and my pride, I was the one who was at fault,….not in what I was teaching, but in how I went about it. I should have taught my students to look at both sides of the evidence, realizing that everyone, individually has to make their own choice. Either you are going to look at life through men’s ideas or God’s Word. So, if evolution, follow where that leads. If God, then serve the Lord. We can’t prove anything here tonight. We can only present theories. You can chance your eternity on the views of Freud and Darwin if you want. I’m putting my trust in Jesus Christ who died on the cross for my sin, was buried and rose again on the third day. I know some of you will call that stupidity. I am calling it humility. And I will trust and I will follow Christ and wait on the hope of eternal life that He offers. May you find that same hope.”
I recall being a young and very naïve college student attending a university where several of my professors most assuredly believed in the theory of evolution while openly dismissing my faith in God as being a bit foolish and simpleminded. And that’s okay. College should be a place where we are encouraged to develop our minds, to be challenged to think for ourselves. College should be a place where we are NOT taught what to think but HOW to think. So, by all means don’t allow pride to prevent the teaching of the theory of evolution, but also don’t allow pride to prevent the teaching of creationism.
Jesus Christ went to the cross for all of us, but it’s a choice each individual must make for themselves, whether to believe in creationism and ultimately choose to receive His forgiveness, or not. God doesn’t push Christ’s crucifixion, burial, and resurrection on anyone. It’s simply a matter of faith, which then becomes a matter of choice. Choose well.
“because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”