What Is a Confidential Encourager?

I honestly feel each and every single one of us has at some point during the course of our life found ourselves in need of someone to talk to, someone who will listen and be a sounding board, and can be trusted to keep our conversations in confidence. This is what my personally coined term Confidential Encourager represents.

Sure we all have family, friends, coworkers, and even pastors and teachers who we could ask for guidance as we navigate through life, especially during those so obvious to others difficult times. But what about the not so obvious to everyone else times when the turmoil deep within our hearts is beyond our ability to clearly and concisely explain? And as Christians we also know we can and should talk to God about our concerns. But sometimes those closest to us are actually a little bit too close to us, thus are unable to be unbiased while also keeping our secrets in confidence. And, sometimes our thoughts are such a jumbled mess, we can’t seem to hear from God.

We could go to a shrink, you know, a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist, but don’t really want to, can’t afford to, don’t want or need to be put on medication and weekly couch time for possibly years to come. We could sign up for an expensive preset and step-by-step course to turn our lives around, but aren’t looking for a cookie-cutter, often overpriced coaching program.

Sometimes we simply need someone we can confide in, can trust, can afford, can count on to listen and interpret precisely what it is we are trying to understand about ourselves and how to deal with it all, someone who can see deep within our soul and offer encouragement without being judgmental and opinionated. Call it counseling, call it coaching,…call it two people talking, you sharing while I listen, you opening up while I interpret what your heart is really trying to understand, call it mentoring if need be. Call it a conversation held in confidence because you sometimes just need someone to talk to, call it a Confidential Encourager.

Limited by phone, reasonably priced appointments available.

Schedule a complimentary consultation by voicemail or text: 541 971 0529 or by email:

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