The Lonely Stander’s Heartache

While standing for marriage is not new, it is a somewhat misunderstood and often very lonely experience. Having discovered Rejoice Marriage Ministries brought like-minded men and women into my life, if only from afar. While returned prodigal, Bob Steinkamp, has been in Heaven now for several years, Charlyne Steinkamp and family faithfully continue on with the ministry which God forged from their own marital issues and eventual restoration.

Bob Steinkamp wrote a fictional Christmas story about standing for marriage which allows us to see inside not only the stander’s heart, but the prodigal’s as well. While my heart is warmed each time I reread “Millie’s Christmas”, I no longer find my heart aching as it once did, largely due in part to Rejoice Marriage Ministries. With much appreciation to Rejoice Marriage Ministries and their generously allowing me to share, please take a moment to read this light yet heartwarming story of a prodigal spouse’s holiday homecoming.

“Empty & Alone” by Deb E

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When A Spouse Walks: Charlyne Steinkamp’s “The Spiritual Journey Toward A Healed Marriage”

The most rewarding yet most challenging relationship one will ever experience is that of being in a monogamous relationship called marriage, especially being committed for life. Charlyne Steinkamp attests to this in her very down to earth book entitled “The Spiritual Journey Toward A Healed Marriage“. Remember the traditional “…to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part…” Christian wedding vows?

Fortunately yet unfortunately, many of us were so giddy in love as we committed to our spouse and to God, sweetly and assuredly, and naively reciting these vows on our wedding day. Fortunately we really had no idea what lay ahead. And, unfortunately, our vows would be tested.

Sadly, life happens. Sadly, we are tested. Do we have the courage to rise to the challenge? Do we take our vows seriously? Are we really committed, ’til death do us part? What do we do when our spouse chooses to walk away?

Whether a couple goes through difficult times remaining married or whether one or both want to call it quits, doesn’t matter. Marriage, even after divorce, can be restored. Charlyne Steinkamp from Rejoice Marriage Ministries speaks from experience.

In her book entitled “The Spiritual Journey Toward a Healed Marriage” Charlyne Steinkamp so revealingly points out how “The church is not able to be the ‘critical care unit’ for the wounded and broken hearts, because divorce is so rampant in the church”. Sadly, this certainly seems to be the case. Granted there are verses found in scripture which make allowance for divorce. And we seem all too quick to jump to the conclusion that divorce is the only option. But is it really the best solution?

Charlyne and Bob Steinkamp married as any young and in love couple hopefully does, much in love. Unfortunately, after twenty very difficult years of marriage and three young children, Charlyne received pastorial counsel and made the decision to divorce Bob. Fortunately, she very quickly realized she had made a horrible mistake.

Marriages can be restored and marriages can be saved, even after divorce, and it only takes one spouse to recommit to those wedding vows in order to do so. This book can very easily be used as a devotional as it includes scriptural references and suggested prayers, and even an occasional “Bobservation” from her husband to better understand the spouse who wants to call it quits. And most of all Charlyne Steinkamp not only reveals how to heal and restore your marriage not through manipulative tactics, but through your relationship with God.

“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife and the two shall become one flesh. This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church. However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband” Ephesians 5:31-33 (ESV).

Photo Credit: Megapixelstock

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