Blessings From the Hand of God

“There is nothing better for a man than that he should eat and drink and make himself enjoy good in his labor. Even this, I have seen, is from the hand of God. For who can eat or who can have enjoyment any more than I can—apart from him? For to the person who pleases Him God gives wisdom and knowledge and joy; but to the sinner He gives the work of gathering and heaping up, that he may give to one who pleases God. This also is vanity and a striving after the wind and a feeding on it.”

~~~Ecclesiastes 2:24-26 (AMPC)~~~

“There is nothing better for a person than that he should eat and drink and find enjoyment in his toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God, for apart from him who can eat or who can have enjoyment? For to the one who pleases him God has given wisdom and knowledge and joy, but to the sinner he has given the business of gathering and collecting, only to give to one who pleases God. This also is vanity and a striving after wind.”

~~~Ecclesiastes 2:24-26 (ESV)~~~

Image by dandelion_tea from Pixabay

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Do You Know Jesus or Do You Fear Death?

Billy Graham “But you know the fear of death is gone when a person,…when I found Christ as my Lord and my Savior, the fear of death was taken away. And now I’m just as certain that when I die that I’m going into another world that’s just as real as this one. That it’s helped me to face life here and now….Well I envision Heaven. And I’m not going there because I’ve preached to a lot of people. I’m not going there because I’ve read the Bible. I’m not going there because I’m good. I’m going there because of what Christ did for me on the cross. I’m saved by the grace of God. Now the word grace carries with it the idea that I don’t deserve it. I can’t buy my way, I can’t work my way. I’m a sinner”.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

~~~John 3:16 (KJV)~~~

Image by Jacques Savoye from Pixabay

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You Know What Real Wisdom Is…

It’s when you drop all the pretenses, when you get alone with yourself and stop being full of yourself. It’s when you look up into the Heavens and simply say “God, I need you!” It’s when you finally wrap up your self-righteous, prideful, puffed up and arrogant as we-all-can-be-about-me self, chucking it all and turning to God and saying “Lord, FORGIVE ME, for I am a sinner”.

“…but I give myself to prayer” Psalm 109:4 (ESV).

“Awakening” by Deb E

Faith, Do You Believe?

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

~~~John 3:16 (KJV)~~~

The Sinner’s Prayer

Dear Lord Jesus, I know I am a sinner. I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior. Amen.

Photo Credit: Moi

p.s. It is my earnest desire for you, my dear reader, to come to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, and to grow as a Christian.


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